At Garawa Preschool we believe a positive start to school is important and depends on everyone working together to make it happen – family, community, early childhood service and the school team.
A positive start to school includes;
- Development of secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships,
- Conversations between children, teachers, families and the community,
- High expectations and equity for every child,
- Recognition and acknowledgement of cultural diversity,
- Collaboration between our service and schools,
- Building on knowledge, skills and interests of a child,
- Deep understanding of how young children learn.
The educators at Garawa Preschool complete NSW Transition to School Statements to share information between families, preschool and schools. These statements summarise the child’s strengths, their interests and approaches to learning and suggest ways these can be supported to continue learning and development into primary school. These statements enable Kindergarten teachers get to know their students before they start school, make connections with children and families and respond to individual students’ needs.